The Path to Success
Before diving into, let me tell you that if you want a growth either personal or professional have these Tips
“Self Talk”, “Get out of Comfort Zone”, “Create New Habits”, “Ask People Help”, “Fake it till you Make it”
In your toolbox believe me they have a potential to build your future. These are known as AMAL TOTKAY highly curated and They make sense.
I find all these totkay(Tips) very helpful and added them to my Arsenal.
Positive self talk is my favorite tip because it makes me determined, more achievable and tell me that this work is only possible by me (i.e. I am the right candidate and I can do this or I got that done).Note:(Positive self talk is started)
To activate my Beast mode (most efficient mode) I push myself out of comfort zone set time for my tasks according to their priority and start working on them.
I am currently going to put aside an hour other then University, Fellowship, Internship and Commitments and will devote it to learn new things and make a doc for myself where I will track my progress.
At my University, I will ask my Best friend to keep an eye on my Behavior and Interaction with others and let me know about his constructive feedback. At fellowship, I have an accountability partner that is willing to help me in this regard.
Experimenting new things are very tiresome and some time their difficulty or newness lead us to abandon it so fake it till you make it.
If you also like these tips and think these are useful, your appreciation and share with love ones, can lead writer to write more, and motivate him to share his learning journey with you, because “Sharing is Caring”.